
Lady Tech Charmers

Our partnership with the Lady Tech Charmers podcast allows us to support regular content creation to benefit, inspire, and educate women and girls in technology. If you know someone who would be a great guest, feel free to send us a note. We are always looking for powerhouse women to feature.

Advertise your company on our featured podcast with the Lady Tech Charmers.  Pricing information below

Single Episode


  • One episode sponsored
  • One  15-30 second commercial within that episode
  • Featured guest of choice (must be relevant to women in tech/female leadership) with input on topic.  Topic must be approved by the Lady Tech Charmers
  • Four social media posts to promote episode
  • Branding on Lady Tech Charmers and CWIT Website
  • One giveaway, offer, opportunity to listeners and CWIT members



  •  Four episodes sponsored
  • One 15-30 second commercial per episode
  • Featured guest of choice (must be relevant to women in tech/female leadership) with input on topic.  Topic must be approved by the Lady Tech Charmers
  • Four social media posts to promote episodes
  • Branding on Lady Tech Charmers and CWIT Website
  • One giveaway, offer, opportunity to LTC listeners and CWIT members
  • Mentions in community communications in the month of the published series

Be our Guest!

We have partnered with The Lady Tech Charmers Podcast to bring you the best stories, ideas and resources for women in tech.  Please let us know if you would like to be featured as a guest on the podcast.

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Let’s celebrate, support, and build each other up.

Carolina women+ in Tech

Charlotte,  North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Wilmington, North Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina

Call Us
