Join us as a Sponsor!
The CWIT donation of your choice contributes to events, scholarships, advertising, our job board, operational costs, our podcast, and more. Help support our 501c3 non-profit organization so we can continue to bring opportunities to the Carolina Women+ in Tech community.
Job Sponsor
Post your open positions!
- Branding included in website
- Social media posts to promote job including to relevant groups during the life of the listing
- Job posting on CWIT website
- Monthly newsletter to members
- Must notify when the position has been filled
- Mention at events in which the listing is published
Education Sponsor
Sponsor a member, student, or classroom!
Starting at $100
- Sponsor a member, student, or classroom studying technology to contribute toward their continued education/professional development
- Funds go toward items such as a workshop meal, conference ticket, bootcamp seat, online courses, class with local university
- Featured post with the person or class awarded with the scholarship and links to your website.
- Branding included in website
Event Sponsor
Sponsor an event!
Pricing Varies Based on Event Type – Let’s Chat!
- Branding included in print, at the sign in table, the CWIT website and on all event images
- Social media posts to promote business/ events / etc.
- Video on social page and in Facebook group to promote sponsor
- Video must have meaningful content relevant to CWIT audience
- Video must showcase how the organization is supporting WIT in their culture
- Video must provide an offer, tip, or action step for CWIT audience
- Live Video (optional)
- Providing swag is encouraged
- Access to event attendees list
- Mention in CWIT meetup communications around the sponsored event
Annual Sponsor
Join us for the year!
Pricing Varies Based on Sponsor’s needs – Let’s chat!
- Branding on the website, advertisements for events and community opportunities
- Access to the Carolina Women in Tech community
- Monthly job board posting (up to 5/month) with 1 featured listing in our monthly newsletter
- Must be approved by the board and be a mutually beneficial connection
- Branding featured in newsletter
- Bulk discount for 5 members or more
- Discount code or free admission for events
- Support setting up a non-profit employee to volunteer program
- CWIT will customize how we can collaborate together based on the talent and needs of both organizations
Sponsor Interest Form
Donate to Women+ and youth In TECH
Don’t see a sponsor opportunity above? Consider a donation of your choice to our organization. Feel free to let us know if there is something specific you want your donation to contribute to and if there are other ways we can collaborate as a community partner. We appreciate your support.

Engage. Educate. Empower.
Let's celebrate, support, and build each other up.
Carolina women+ in Tech
Charlotte, North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Wilmington, North Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina
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