Today we are focusing on Self care for women in Tech and women who have a sedentary work life.

We have the privilege of having the owner of Integrative Bodywork, Sandra Weber as our guest. Sandra is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist specializing in structural bodywork.

Along with providing a clinical approach to massage, Sandra spends time teaching her clients how to change the habits of daily activity that produce many of the aches and pains experienced.

Traditional massage therapy and advanced muscle testing techniques will assist those with chronic pain, improper posture, and those looking to increase performance.

[spp-tweet tweet=”You have to make the right decision in the right field for what you want to do” – Sandra Weber]


[spp-timestamp time=”7:00″]At what point did you make the shift in your career path?

[spp-timestamp time=”7:44″]What was that drive ?

[spp-timestamp time=”11:30″]What if people are not active?

[spp-timestamp time=”17:16″]Posture is determined from the womb

Frequently Asked Questions

[spp-timestamp time=”29:45″] Do your hands get sore?

[spp-timestamp time=”30:10″]Is massaging gross?

[spp-timestamp time=”30:43″] Do you have a studio?
