Melinda DeJong , General Manager at the Ettain Group Charlotte is our guest today. She talks about how women can market themselves through recruitment.
The goal of the show is to see how as women we leverage our talents effectively, market ourselves efficiently and prepare ourselves to be recruited, seek to be recruited as well as network effectively.
Our Time Stamped Show Notes
Click on the time stamps and go directly to that place on the episode
- The number one place for looking for roles is LinkedIn [spp-timestamp time=”4:58″]
- You have to find the right culture for the job[spp-timestamp time=”6:51″]
- The type of tech jobs are changing[spp-timestamp time=”7:12″]
- The digital presence right now is huge[spp-timestamp time=”7:31″]
- Not enough women are going into Tech fields[spp-timestamp time=”7:51″]
- Some businesses will pay to get women into tech jobs [spp-timestamp time=”8:04″]
5 Tips From Melinda
1. Focus on what you do and not what you are missing [spp-timestamp time=”27:10″]
2. Stop feeling guilty [spp-timestamp time=”27:13″]
3. Put yourself out there [spp-timestamp time=”27:14″]
4. Invest in your careers [spp-timestamp time=”27:18″]
5. Get close with your tribe. Put good people around you[spp-timestamp time=”27:20″]
6. Network, network, network [spp-timestamp time=”27:23″]