The show today will focus on how Bernadette Maulion was able to use personal finance to create successful businesses.
Today we are chatting with the owner of Dressed Charlotte and Bernadette Joy Consulting.
Her passion in personal finance came from her stupidity in taking out $70K worth of student loans for her MBA. In less than a year, she and her husband paid off the entire debt in what takes most people ten years.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Just because it’s not now does not mean not ever -Bernadette Maulion on debt reduction ” ]
[spp-timestamp time=”5:19″] Where the idea for Dressed Charlotte came from
[spp-timestamp time=”5:44″] How she paid off her student loan
[spp-timestamp time=”7:06″] Her timeline
[spp-timestamp time=”12:38″] What lead her to create Bernadette Joy Consulting
[spp-timestamp time=”15:09″]What technology she uses/ used to grow and manage her businesses
[spp-timestamp time=”13:56″] Every Dollar – a Dave Ramsey product
[spp-timestamp time=”15:52″] Acuity Scheduling App
[spp-timestamp time=”16:18″] Shopify